Well hello!

Photo of Paige Woods, biting a sunflower, wearing a pink foil dress with paint brushes in her hair

I am many things; an artist, musician, traveler, a mystic, idea junky, and perpetual ‘what if-er’.

I am a lover of color and nature, of cozy spaces and tiny things, I’m a collector, curator, and a dreamer.

I love exploring the unknown and playing around in the tidepools of this one, precious life I’ve been gifted. 

People like you, who support my business make all of this possible and I would not be here without you.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, here I hope to bring you joy and ignite your imagination, creating things and sharing ideas that you can carry with you throughout your day, week, or Maybe the rest of your life.

What’s new?

My new Solo album, ‘lust’ is out this april!

Catch a live show!